sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2010

Castle of the Broken Moon

*Songs that help concentration??

Well, my mother went to a furniture store and saw a video advertising some cd called "Art of CONCENTRATION", by Kavin Hoo (if you want to buy it, the cover of the cd is the half head of some woman with an apple in her head)

My mom knew I was in pain studying History of Art to my next test, so she bought it.
When I was starting the sudying, I put the cd playing... It happens that it has 50 minutes of one of my favourite types of music and although the first hour was difficult to concentrate, then I started to focus and the next to hours were better spent (in study terms, of course).

BUT! I still find this discipline very annoying (as well as the teacher, who talks and writes like a 900 old priest)

Tomorrow I'll study with my new cd again, and if it works, I'll have a good grade in the test... We just have to wait to see the results :D

quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010

Painting the Beast


Beauty and Wealth


Opposing Loyalties
Disney Villains
The Queen
My Ocean


Bellringer of Notre Dame

Happy Halloween (2009)

Past, Present, Future


Just Idiots



*New blog!

So, I created this blog to do some stuff with it... I don't know what I'll use it for yet, but this is something I've been wishing to do, so... I've done it
For those who care about it, I love to draw and I have an account in Deviant Art (DA for friends XD). It's name is Horskan and you can check it, if you want ;) http://horskan.deviantart.com/