The Hunger Games

Before I say what I thought of the movie, I want to share what I most hate in theaters: KIDS
(I don't actually like kids generally).
I wanted to watch this movie since I saw the trailer some months ago, and I've been waiting until today.
I had to reserve the tickets, because I saw that there were already plenty of seats taken. I found out that these seats were reserved by some filthy "5 years old" kids that just didn't shut up before the movie starts.
So I thought: "If those morons start talking during the movie, I'm going to call the security". But they gave a better opportunity (before the movie starts) and started doing a popcorn battle -_-
One of those popcorn actually hit my brother... So I said: "Ok that's enough" and I called one of the workers of the theater. She said "I'm glad you told me!" She went to the theater very angry and yelled at the annoying babies, threatening them if they didn't shut up, she would call the security. And she stayed in the room for a while, so they wouldn't dare making noise.
The movie started.
In the first part of the movie they still made some stupid noises, but I was very concentrated so I didn't care. In the end of the first part they started exaggerating (I still was very focused, so I still didn't care) and one woman left the room and called the same worker I had called earlier.
That was when they really shut the f*** UP! :D finally!
Seriously, these kids should be watching "barbie and the lake of whatever", or "the princess with eyes that sparkle very much and blind other people"!
They saw blood or some weird costume in the movie (there are a LOT of weird costumes, btw) and "bla bla bla OMG! the horror of that wound! that's disgusting! THE HORROR!"
SHUT UP!!!(I actually made one of my fantastic and powerful "XSSHHH!!" at some point)
Anyway, even though I was aware of all this happening, those kids couldn't get me distracted!
And here's what I thought of the movie: AWESOME!!
Great story and acting;
Wonderful effects, scenarios, costumes and buildings;
Very unpredictable and powerful!
I also loved the soundtrack.
I was already thinking of buying the books, but now I just can't wait to start reading the series (and I'll start with the first one).
And I definitely will watch this movie again in theater (maybe I'll have more luck with the people in the room that time)
Go watch it!!!