domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011

Movies in November

Like I already explain here, I haven't had much free time latelly. But I've watched 2 movies I want to talk about:

1 - Brothers
Since I saw Black Swan, I began to watch other movies starring Natalie Portman. So, I saw this one, starring also Tobey Maguire and Jake Gyllenhaal. I gotta say it was amazing!
When I read the plot, I thought "humm... sounds cliché", but it wasn't at all.
The actors are great, specially Tobey McGuire and Bailee Madison, the little girl playing Isabelle. In short words: I recomend it!
But I recomend also not to watch the trailer, cause it can be spoiler and misleading at the same time.

2 - Breaking Dawn - part 1

I saw it yesterday and it was awesome!!
I've read the book so I had some expectations, and the movie wasn't disappointing at all. For me, it's the best so far, with a great adaptation of the book. There were scenes shown exactly how I imagined them, like the whole pregnancy moments, which I considere the central and best ones! They did perfectly Bella being consumed by the baby with such great effects. So, from the moment she discovers she's pregnant until the end is amazing (the previous parts are also great). And the movie ends at the ideal part.
Also great soundtrack! I liked that they repeated musics like Flightless Bird, American Mouth and Bella's Lullaby, and I loved that they put "River Flows in You" (violins) in the wedding. And I'm pretty sure that "My Love" was also played in violins in the wedding :D

sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2011

Housewife (first paint)

Housewife (first)

Design is killing people!

Well, I haven't been very active on this blog lately. And the reason why is..........

This week has been so exhaustive, because I had to deliver 2 giant projects:

1- I have a subject called "Métodos Digitais de Design de Produção" (Digital Methods of Production Design), where I'll have to build my own character in 3D
But before the 3D, we have to do some crazy long stuff...
I had to create my character based, or not, in something already existed and developed it with digital and analogic elements (having one of them as major part)
So I choose to create an eagle: 2 camcorders make the eyes and the rest of the body is made with watch elements. I called it FLYRON (it was supposed to be Flychanical but people didn't adore it). I made a logo for it, which I'm very proud :D
Then comes the hardest part: do 3 views of the eagle (front, side, top) with THE EVIL GEOMETRY!!!! D8 This took soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong! My back hurted so much and I didn't sleep almost anything until this part was done.
Then I had to do a panel explaining my project (this wasn't so difficult)
Now I'm waiting for the teacher to tell me something about my work.

2- I have other subject called "Design de Produção" (Production Design), where we had to make groups and create an egg box!
We took so long for many reasons that I don't want to explain now, but we did it!

But this weekend will be so relaxing (comparing to the previous).
My fantastic plans are:
- Read the book I'm reading now and the mangas I'm late at
- Go to the cinema watch Breaking Dawn part 1
- work a little
- Try to draw something and post it
And that's it XD