domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2011

*31 movies in February!

My holidays are ending!
Tomorrow is the beginning of the 2nd semester, and I just want to make a list of the movies I've been watching since the holidays begun. (the list has no specific order)

So, the movies I saw for the first time are here:

Summer Wars (the image doesn't tell the name XD)

The movies I had already watched before, and repeated:

The movies I watched for the first time, and repeated:

And the movie I had already watched, and repeated it twice:

This makes a total of 31 movies since the beginning of February! It's my record!!! XD
P.S. I took a lot of time doing this creepy list

1 comentário:

  1. hum.... agora que vi realmente a lista não sei se acredito que tenhas feito realmente mais alguma coisa para além de ver filmes xD
